Social Media Marketing
Tap into limitless potential with the Social Media Success for Professionals podcast on mastering the art of lead generation on social media! Learn to capture attention and develop client relationships with proven and practical strategies. Plus, Heather will help you grow your brand voice and drive sales with creative content ideas. Listen now for free as we unlock a world full of possibilities!
Changing the world might seem like a lofty goal, but the truth is that if you can change the way one person thinks, you can have a profound impact.
Matt Gordon is the Authority Muse at The Educated Authority. He’s spent years studying historical leaders and propaganda, and now he uses what he’s learned to help today’s thought leaders change the world one mind at a time.
Listen to Matt’s strategies to unlock the power of thought leadership and how it can transform your social media marketing.

Social Media Success for Professionals Talking Points
[2:28] Thought leadership and the modern-day propagandist
- Matt Gordon helps his clients change the world one thought at a time through persuasion and thought leadership
- A thought leader is not a teacher, content marketer, or celebrity
- Thought leadership helps transform the way a person interacts with the world by helping them internalize a new perspective
- When you change a person’s language, you change their mind
[7:27] Building a community with thought leadership
- AI is a great tool for the things its good at, but it can’t do anything
- Content shock is the idea that online content is growing faster than humans could ever hope to process it
- Thought leadership provides meaning to raw information
[10:25] Different types of thought leaders
- Thought leaders have different goals and present themselves in different ways
- CEO thought leaders want to grow their business
- Cause thought leaders want to change the world
- Celebritized consultants want to attract attention and bring in high-ticket consulting or book deals
- Information marketers want to build a pipeline for their products or services
- Content marketers want to be smart in public
[14:20] Get to know the 360 thought leader
- Takes elements from all 5 of the other thought leadership styles
- As a thought leader, you need to have a trustworthy character, a good product, and a strong funnel
- Thought leadership is its own product in addition to the product or service you sell
[17:03] Building your online reputation
- Thought leadership is a storytelling business
- Establish your own home base, like a website or mailing list
- Connect with your audience through consistent, daily content
- Recycle the same content across multiple channels
[24:24] Key takeaways
- Study rhetoric, the art of communicating your ideas clearly
- Get out there and tell your story with your language
- Be clear on what you stand for
- Take Educated Authority’s quiz to find your Authority Archetype and learn how to bring together different traits of the different archetypes
Connect with Matt:
As a thought leader, you must share your story with your audience and one way to do that is to create content for social media. We have a free social media content calendar download to help you plan your 2024!
Happy posting!
If you’d like to read the entire episode, here is the transcript:
Welcome to the Social Media Success for Professionals podcast. Hi, I’m Heather Holloway founder of Holloway Media Services former television and radio producer and social media expert. I’ve multiplied my sales using organic social media. And this show is a way for me to share my experiences and guide you on what it takes to grow your business using social media marketing to I’ll cover everything you need to know to leverage social platforms to build your business, practice, or firm and have a steady flow of clients, patients and customers waiting to work with you. I’m diving deep into the marketing vault to bring you the best social media secrets to engage high-paying clients, build trust, and establish yourself as an industry leader. So tune in, take notes and get ready to experience social media success. Well, howdy, everybody, welcome back to Social Media Success for Professionals. I’m your host, Heather Holloway. And today I’m bringing it back my buddy, Matt Gordon, the Educated Authority, the dude, you want to know, if you want to build trust, and build an online reputation and get people magnetically attracted to you, because you’re such a thought leader out there in that space, you’re providing value, and Matt’s gonna tell us how to do it. Right. So Matt, if you could, without further ado, tell us what do you do for a living, brother?
So good to see you. And it’s just so fun to be in your presence, even over the computer. What an upbeat introduction. So what do I do, but my wife always rolls her eyes when I say this. But when people strangers asked me that, I say, Well, I’m a propagandist. Basically, it’s kind of a dirty word maybe. But that’s really what I do in terms of I work with people that are experts who have come to the sad, cold, hard realization, that not enough people care what they think. I help them make people care what they think. And, we do that through persuasion and propaganda, and all of those kind of sneaky little offshoots of marketing that help you find your people and be a true thought leader. And that’s a term that I think it’s thrown around a lot. And I’m sure we’re gonna get into that at some point. But, you know, I’ll just say it upfront that thought leadership is the business of leading thoughts. And so it’s not just being smart in public, it really is changing the world in some small way, or providing transformation for people. And that’s really kind of my 100 year goal, is to help a bunch of people make the world a better place. Through their leadership, through their thought leadership. Yeah, absolutely. And
like you said, we are getting into it, we’re gonna go right into it. So thought leadership, can you define that for us? Who may not know what that is, but we need to know, as professional service providers.
Sure, you know, sometimes I think it’s better to explain kind of the negative space around something to get to the heart of the matter. And so what is thought leadership, not let me start there, it’s not being a teacher, you know, everybody kind of wants to fall into this teacher role. And teachers serve a great place in our society that are important, but they’re not really thought leaders, people in education really that’s not what they do. Because teaching is generally trying to prepare you for something it’s trying to prepare you for that world out there, whether you’re thinking about like a primary, secondary education type teacher, or whatever. Thought leadership provides transformation. So it’s really about changing the way people kind of view the world and the way they interact with it and the way they act. And that gives them some hope. It gives them the transformation in their lives that they’re that they’re looking for. So that I think, to me is the biggest difference between a thought leadership. And we’ll say a content marketer, right? Or a celebrity or someone like that. Is that the thought leader is really there to make a difference. And they’re doing that by teaching, right? Like there’s teaching in there. But they do that by really kind of, you know, giving you a new set of glasses to see the world and to interact with it.
Is the new set of glasses, because the thoughts are coming from experience from the leader. Is that is that the difference between like, leading and teaching it? It’s coming from experience life experience?
Yeah, it’s internalizing. Yeah, I mean, you know, we talked about the glasses, right? Well, it’s kind of internalizing a new way of looking at things. And so it’s not so much about thinking outside the box but saying, you know, no, the box is over here. I’m redefining the box entirely. And so we’re gonna go over here we’re going to look at this way we’re going to use these words. So you know, one of the things and we may have talked about this, the last time we spoke was the idea of an authority lexicon, you want to change the words that your followers use? And that serves a lot of purposes. But one of the big things is, when you change a person’s language, you change their mind.
Yeah. And I read that in one of Dan Kennedy’s books talking about building your own bank, your own language bank.
Oh, okay. Yeah, that’s a good way to explain it. So, you know, why would you want to do that? Well, you want to do that, because you’re kind of living rent-free in someone else’s mind. If Heather uses the word, and I hear how they’re using it. And then I find myself using that I’m going to think of Heather, and I may even give you credit and kind of spread the word. Right. But I’m in you know, I’m identifying myself as kind of a follower of Heather, if you will. And so when someone else hears that word, and they say, oh, that’s, that’s from Heather Holloway, isn’t it? Yeah, you know, and we give followers a way to identify each other, you know, you wear the colors, you speak the language, all this kind of thing. And it really does serve a purpose in terms of giving someone a new way to look at the world and kind of redefining what’s going on. Yes. So that’s, that’s a big part of that transformation.
I love that. Because you’re separating yourself from your competition immediately. You have your own language, you have your own, your set of beliefs in your in your things that you’re putting out there. Your experiences, AI can’t compete with that either.
Not really, you know, we’ve done a lot of experiments with AI over the past several months. And it’s interesting, really great for some stuff not so good. For others. It’s a great tool. Yeah. And I think that the effects that it’s going to have on us online and us in the world is going to be profound. I really do believe that. It’s kind of, you know, what’s, what’s that saying about to a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail, you know, some things are nail, some things aren’t? Right, the AI is going to be really interesting, you know, when we get into social media, and we get into content marketing, and, you know, kind of authority content and all this kind of thing, you run up really quickly into this idea of, of content shock. And that basically means that, that online content is growing exponentially faster than our ability to consume it and process it, right? Because we’re only human. And so we only have 24 hours. Right? You know, I mean, he even if you and I said, Okay, between the two of us, we’re gonna pick a day on the calendar like today, right? And we’re gonna read everything that’s written on the internet and a day that would take us the rest of our lives. Yeah, it couldn’t do it. It’s just how fast it’s going. So this idea of content shock is really identifying that our ability is humans has been completely outstripped by what we’ve produced. So what do you do about that? Right? Like, if there’s so much information out there, you know, supply and demand tells us what? Well, when supply goes up, the price goes down, because demand really isn’t changing all that much. Yeah, more people are being born, people are dying. And, you know, people are maybe reading a little bit more or not, or they’re watching more or not listening more or not. But consumption is pretty steady. You know, it’s kind of on this nice, nice line, but contents like. I think that thought leadership is really going to be important in terms of kind of doing things that raw information can’t do like providing hope and meaning and kind of context and conclusions that you just can’t get from this, you know, sea of information kind of throwing itself at you every day.
Yeah. And I think that trend started back in 2020. Around COVID era that, you know, community was a hot topic, right? Build a community build. Okay, yeah. Right. And so what I’m picking up from you is with thought leadership and thought leadership content and placing yourself as a thought leader, you build that community, you find those people, right?
Oh, yeah. Yeah, absolutely.
But you, but when we talked last, you brought up a really interesting point that there are different types of thought leaders. So like, you may not be the sauce for everybody. Right? So can you talk about the different types of thought leaders?
Sure, absolutely. So probably the last time we talked, I talked about something called the authority archetype, which is kind of a style in which you present yourself. And we can get into all of those types of things in a moment. But really, if we want to talk about your goals as a thought leader like you decide, this is what I’m going to do, I’m going to be a thought leader. There are different kinds of thought leaders and so we can go over that which I think is going to be kind of cool. There are different kinds of thought leaders, for example, we have the thought leader, CEO, right? And this is someone that the head of typically a bigger company, and they’re trying to build their business brand. And they’re trying to do things for diverse business reasons. So for example, no one says, Well, I’m gonna go buy an Apple iPhone, because I think that Tim Cook is the thought leader in the consumer electronics space. Like, nobody says that that’s, that’s not why you choose an iPhone over like an Android or, or whatever else is out there. Tim Cook wants to be a thought leader, and I’m kind of assuming he does, because he wants to recruit and retain top talent, because that’s going to make his company’s products better. He wants to have good relations with investors. So they feel their money is safe because someone really smart is at the helm. And they’re like thinking ahead, and they’re, you know, sort of at the forefront of what’s going on in that world. He wants to have a good relationship with his board of directors because that’s the kind of thing they want to see, right? So all of those are good reasons to be a thought leader. But that’s only one kind of thought leader, you’ve also got the cause-based thought leader. And this is someone who has, you know, a philosophy or a system or an idea, and they are really looking to change the world, you might have a cause, like, this is the way we should all be doing things. So when I say a cause, I don’t necessarily mean social justice-related thoughts, like racism, or whatever, you know, laudable goals, but you could have a cause just within your own industry of look, I think this is a better way of doing things, maybe safer way of doing things or a cheaper way of doing things, right.
Like Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich, is that a cause? Leader?
That would be someone who kind of like had a system, right? He like he had this idea that he’s espousing. So I would, I would say, maybe, maybe, okay, a third type of a thought leader, I’d have to think about that. But it sounds right kind of on the face of it. The third type of thought leader would be what I call the celebritized consultant. And so this is someone like a Gary V or Seth Godin, right 99% of their work, is drawing attention to themselves so that they can get those high dollar consulting arrangements, and they can get the, you know, six, figure seven-figure book deals and stuff like that. So that might be the type of thought leader, you’ve got, maybe the kind that’s closest to my heart is the information marketer. And that is the kind of thought leader that has a product funnel, which may include services, or it may include information products or book, you know, things like that. And so they’ve got that pipeline that they are trying to fill. You’ve got the content marketer, which I think is kind of the weakest thought leader. And we already talked about them there as well. Just saying, hey, I want to be smart and public, so that I can drive sales for my company, right?
Influencers we’re seeing on YouTube with like, and this and that, yeah.
So what I like to talk about then, is what I call the 360-degree thought leader, which kind of takes elements from all of those and adds them up into this.
Because let me tell you, the content marketer one is a grind. If you want to make it your daily, you’re posting daily, two times, three times. I mean, you’re right, it’s work, your infinite. Like, sure, I don’t want to be that one. So you’re saying and then you have, you know, you have the CEO, then you have like a Seth Godin and Gary V, and you might think, Oh, well, you know, they’re out there in the celebrity world, can I be that you’re looking at the info marketer, which might be the closest one to our professional services based businesses. But I like what you’re saying. You’re saying, take a little salt, little bit of pepper from each of them, and do your concoction as a 360 thought leader? Tell me about it.
Right. So you can have a way of building your brand through thought leadership, a proprietary way of talking about and doing your thing, and we touched on that real early in the conversation. You want to have a deep product funnel, you want to have ways to help people, right? You know, what are your needs? How can I help you? He wanted to present that sort of attractive character to people. Because really, if you’re a thought leader, you’re in the business of attention and trust and things like that. Like that’s got to be a part of it. And also, of course, you want to be driving sales, through your thought leadership as well. So all of those things kind of come together without the heavy advertising, or the sort of production time and, and all of that, like you said, that grind of constantly being content producer all the time, I do tend to look at thought leadership is less of a marketing channel for your business and more of a bolt-on business. Because it’s definitely the kind of thing that can, in many cases provide more revenue than the actual thing that you talk about or do, you can get to that point, and get there surprisingly fast and at times.
Because if we’re showing up in a different way, we have our own language, we have our own thoughts, our method, you know, Holly media services, we have a social media marketing plan that always works. It always works, man, we call it scope. Right? Every good marketer needs an acronym scope, strategize, customize, optimize, publicize, energize, and that is the message that we repeat over and over and over again. And as we’re doing this, I’m starting to pick up on things that I say over and over again. So okay, so we need to create our own language, what else do we need in our toolkit to build our online reputation as a thought leader?
But you know, it’s not so much like coming up with answers, it’s like trying to pick the right one for the moment here. And I think that I’m gonna say that really, if Thought Leadership isn’t strictly the teaching business, it’s probably the storytelling business. And so you’ve got kind of your origin story, if you will, and you’ve got, you know, your story about why you do things and, and, and the success that you’ve been able to enjoy and all that. So I think that stories are often a big part, of thought leadership. Yeah, so that is something that you definitely need. So if you’ve settled on your goals for thought leadership, and you kind of know who your audience is, then you’ve got a few things left, you know, you got to come up with, with your space, where is going to be your home base. Social is great. But from a thought leadership perspective, that’s really only going down to the lake to go fishing. And then you pack the fish up in the cooler and take them home, right? You know, then bad for the fish, you eat them. But what a terrible analogy.
Point being, you don’t want to build your house on someone else’s property, Facebook, LinkedIn, whatever, that’s somebody else’s property. So you’ve got to have a place of your own where you kind of own the environment and you get all the attention.
Website would be a good one. Obviously, your list your email list is a good one. Mailing addresses even better kids. I know we’re on digital. And I know we are in a digital world. I’m a digital girl. However, addresses are still a thing.
So I’ve been doing this newsletter now for a little over a year called authority, gold. It’s so good. It’s been great. But it’s been the kind of thing where I produce a PDF, and I email it to people this year is almost certainly going to be the year that it becomes a physical newsletter. Why is that? Well, because I want another way of touching people. Yeah, besides just through that computer screen, I want to create something where I get all the attention. The, you know, the inbox isn’t dinging the Facebook. Stuff isn’t going on. You know, I want to be able to have that moment with you. It’s just you and I. And so physical stuff is still awfully important. Absolutely. Right.
Amazing. So let’s bring it home, Matt. So let’s give the listeners an action that they can take using social media to build thought leadership. What are some things that you’re doing to build your thought leadership using social?
Well, one of the things that we’ve started doing kind of recently, is emailing every day, daily, typically. Yes. And so what I do with that is, I take that email, and I kind of turn it into an article, so then we we can repost on social and do that. It’s different than the mailing, you know, kind of in terms of like a call to action type thing at the end, you know, and it’s a little bit more of a shorter form thing. So that has been good. And I’m really into the idea if you study the life of one of the first real media masters, right, and if you’re gonna get in this game, I don’t know why you wouldn’t. A guy named William Randolph Hearst. Right? The Hearst Corporation, you know, and he had it all. He had newspapers, he had radio, he had movies, he had, you know, all these things. And what he did was he told his newspaper editors, you never buy a story that I can’t turn into video. And that we can promote on the radio and that we can, you know, then, you know, turn into a movie, and then we can review it in the paper. Right? And so he had this idea of media stacking way ahead of his time. Wow. And it only gets easier now to execute his idea than then he had to do it, you know, 100 years ago, that’s something that I’m really into. Because if you’re going to create something to go and kind of reach out and touch someone, you want to kind of reuse and recycle that in a lot of different ways. That, to me, is the big deal. And that is, in fact, one of the cooler uses of AI is to really speed up that rewriting process. So that when I rewrite something, I can take it, you know, turn it into a video, take the transcript from the video, rewrite it, and I’ve got something else going on at the same time.
The word for the year is efficiency. And that my friend is the most efficient way of doing content creation. As a professional service provider, as a thought leader, as an author, as a consultant is getting more out of the things that you do, we just simply don’t like we talked about it today. We just don’t have the time. So if you have that idea, you have that main thing that you’re coming back on, you have your language. It’s like produce one and then multiply. How can you multiply. So that’s how you’re winning the game on social media. I can’t believe you’re sending daily emails, my friend. That is just amazing. Well done. And since you’ve made that switch, open rates, so you know, is it better?
To early to tell. You know, I just don’t have enough data to give you six months from now that, you know, I’ll have all sorts of data for you. For me, it’s really about building that relationship. And that daily communication. It’s funny, I was watching a YouTube video the other day on the development of the VCR. Oh, and it was so cool. Yeah, it’s going back to like the late 70s, early 80s. Right when this is starting to pick up steam, and it talked about how the VCR won over something called LaserDisc. Which was like, you know, a DVD the size of an LP, like it was big, like a 10-inch silver disc. And they said the reason that VHS or well VCRs videotape. One was because you could record on it. And that was really the first time that people could do time shifting. So if we had to be gone on Tuesday night, but my favorite show was on Tuesday night, we can set the VCR to record it. And then I can watch it later.
And fast forward through the commercials.
Yeah. Right. Because that’s something that people really didn’t have the ability to do. You’re gonna remember growing up, like, missing your favorite TV show? It was like a huge inconvenience. You know? What were you gonna do? It was just gone. It was this moment in time that you missed. And the next day people are going to be talking about who shot JR. Whatever. You don’t know. Because you had to be out that night. Right? That is something that I think is pretty, pretty cool.
Our first evolution in time travel. I didn’t even think about it then. That’s so neat. And look at us. Now. We can’t wait through another commercial. We just simply can’t we have to DVR everything I needed on this. I need it on I need on-demand.
So anyway, I am ashamed to say I kind of lost my train of thought.
That’s okay. We’re going to tie it back up here. So what did we learn? We learned that as a thought leader, that we want to have our own language. So start documenting the things that we maybe say over and over again, is that what you’re saying? Like, or words that we create? Or? Yeah, start to make that library.
So how do you do that? Right? Well, one thing I would recommend is studying rhetoric, which, again, you know, I use a lot of stuff that like has kind of come to have a bad reputation, but it’s really not as bad as you know, dirty little words like manipulation and propaganda rhetoric, right. You know, what do you think when you hear the word rhetoric? Well, some politicians lying through their teeth at you. Well, that’s actually not what rhetoric was, it was the art of clearly communicating and, and being able to be quickly and easily understood and making your words memorable. And so rhetoric is a good tool to have in your toolbox. If you’re a thought leader, a great place to study it. Harvard University has a course you can take for free on rhetoric, and I’ve been able to audit some of it and it’s pretty good. Wow. So that’s something that you can do and then you can pay and get like a certificate from Harvard like that. You took a class at Harvard.
I might do. Certificate. Yeah, right.
Just put it on your LinkedIn. So…
credibility stack? Absolutely.
Anyway, they offered a rhetoric course, I’m gonna have to look that up to see if it’s still available. I hope it is.
If it is we’ll add the link here to the show. Yeah. Okay, so rhetoric, we want to start our own language, we have to start to document that we want to show up online and not teach. We’re not teaching. We’re importing our expertise through storytelling.
Yeah, you know, and another thing is, as a thought leader, you’ve got to become real clear on what you stand for and what you represent your audience. Okay, so thought leadership is the business of saying, This is good. That is bad. This is smart. That is dumb. This is right. That is wrong. There are no oh, well, it depends. And you and I know if you get into any subject enough like that’s your answer. Well, it’s more complicated than that. It depends, right? Like, that’s reality. But that’s not what people want. That’s not what people are looking for. So even if it does depend, at least at the outset, you’ve got to be able to provide clear, straight direct answers. Step one, step two, step three, do this. Don’t do that, you know, eat this not that kind of a thing, right? You remember that series of, like, you know, they’ve got like, eat this, you know, and it’s like, kale. Not that and it’s like a cheeseburger.
Right? It’s obvious, but here we are.
Yeah. Right. That’s like a great example, really, of poor leadership. Like, you look at the cover of that book, you know exactly what it’s about. It’s a very high-concept kind of thing. Yeah. So, you know, you mentioned Think And Grow Rich, what a great high-concept title. I don’t know if you’ve read the book. But even if you haven’t, you know, it’s something to do with thinking. And, as a consequence, growing rich. Yeah. So you know. I hope I’m giving you kind of a taste. I know. You want to get like tactical and tools. And you know, you did, and we’re gonna get there. But I feel like he really got to set the table with a lot of philosophy about this is sort of the bigger picture of what thought leadership is so that you’re not kind of going down a blind alley. Yeah, I hope that I’m being helpful in that regard.
You are. Absolutely, you know, like you said, step one, the language. Step two, it’s getting out and telling the stories with your language, and being confident to take a this or that approach, which I need to tighten up a little bit there, because I’m kind of still like, I don’t want to offend you, or I don’t know.
And, yeah, I’ve talked with my wife about this quite a bit. And she is in nursing, you know, work with doctors, male and female can be very strong-willed and so nurses tend to develop sometimes this language like, well, I feel like this, or maybe that, you know, and they’re always kind of couching their language to like, soften the blow. And I do think that women have a more difficult time, kind of like, bang, you know, because you don’t want to come off, you know, any number of ways that would be you know, unpalatable to the audience even other women sometimes.
Right? We have a fine little line that we balance there as well.
This a dance that we all kind of have to make in terms of if you’re going to be a thought leader, you’ve got to have your values set, where you can say, this is the way. If you want to do it this way because this is the best way you come over here. Yeah, you follow me?
So we need to work on our mental game too, as we become thought leaders. Absolutely. Yeah. And then the title in Okay, we have our language, we’re out there telling our authentic stories using our language and then the title in it’s what bits and pieces do you want to take from the different archetypes and I think you have a quiz. Can you tell us about that?
Oh, yeah. So over at there is, I’m gonna have to check to make sure we haven’t moved it. There is a thing of the top menu there. Find your authority, and it’s still it’s loading slow. Yeah, it’s find your authority archetype. You can take that quiz, it’s free, and you don’t even have to give me your email address. And you’re gonna like, if you do, you’re gonna get like all sorts of goodies. Like you’re gonna get some books because this is the educated authority, right? Like, you gotta educate yourself. So okay, we found your archetype. Now, let’s talk about, here’s some people you can study. So here’s some biographies of people within your archetype, as well as biographies of all of the other types. When I started this, and I came up with this concept, I really did think that, people had one archetype in them and that’s mainly true, but not entirely true, you’ve got a primary archetype, but then you also may have a secondary as well. So that’s why I kind of give you everything. Yeah. Because you may find different styles that appeal to you kind of under different circumstances. Yeah. So another thing that that you missed, you know, you talked about your language, your values, your stories. We want to remember your platform. You’ve got to have your home base so I wanted to add that to your list before we get too much further.
Yeah, perfect. No, I think I think we’ve given the folks enough to digest today, Matt, I think what we do is come back and talk tactics. Today, we’re talking in theory, we just want people I just want people to understand that you have to position yourself as a thought leader, it is way too crowded on the interwebs. And, and on social, that this is how you stand out that you stand out by standing for something. And, and only you can do it and only your way. So document your language, have your plan together, get on social, find the platform, remember, put them on your platform. Because horror stories like Facebook, just shut my account down. I can’t get back in. Stuff like that. It happens all the time. I literally got a text message from a colleague that said, they shut me down, I don’t know, help, help help. And people just come to me, because you know, we’re social media experts, and they think we can fix it. Even as a social media expert. We can’t fix it.
You can do a couple of things. But it’s not your decision. It says right,
yeah. And you take action to try and resolve it. But you are at the mercy of the platform. So get them off. Even though I’m a social media marketing expert, and we live and die on social, get them off social, get them off of social.
I get so sick of all of the dating and relationship analogies and marketing. But really, it is one of those like, hey, we just met, you want to come back to my place?
Yeah, right. Get those digits, get those digits. Matt, you have been a world of information for us today, you have been such a thought leader for us, you have your system down, you’re doing the thing, you’re leading by example. And I’m so grateful that we know each other that you can impart your wisdom on us, my friend, I do feel stronger, knowing what it takes and the difference between teaching and sharing information versus leading the way in your industry. So thanks for showing us how to do that.
Well, it’s always a pleasure to talk to you. I remember the last time I had had some stupid experience like getting my car repaired right before we talk and I was running late. And I’m like, I really need my dose of Heather today. Oh, rough morning. Yeah, just such a ray of sunshine. It’s always great to catch up with you and, and to see what you’re doing. And I’m super excited and just just thrilled to see the success you’re having, and things really just taking off for you. So congratulations.
Thanks, Matt, you’re so sweet to say that. I received that. And I throw that right back to you. I’m so proud of you from where we started to. I mean, like, I think we met in 2020. So three years, to see the evolution of where we were and where we are now. And what,
Oh, and a heck of three years too.
It wasn’t just like, we took a beat and life was the same, right? It’s like, no, no, no, here’s a here’s a major task for you. Thank you go deal with it. But we navigated my friend. And here we are. So thank you so much. And I would love to have you back to talk about tactics. So if you do have a way of tying all this together and giving us a step-by-step guide, let’s do it again.
Absolutely, I do get into tactics a lot. And I definitely want to share that with you. I share it every day, on my emails and that kind of thing. So if you don’t mind, I’ll give that link out.
Nice, Go there now. Sign up for the newsletter daily newsletter with tips to help you get out there and be that thought leader.
And if you sign up, you get a copy of my book. I’m gonna either buy it on Amazon or you get it for free for me just for signing up for the daily newsletter, and I’m cool. I’m not going to be a jerk with that whole email thing. So your privacy is safe I’m not going to rent you out to this right. That’s really the arms dealers. So no, no, none of that.
No, I don’t bring people on that are arms dealers. No, no, no. So do that. Tell me the web address one more time. get there now kids get on the email list. He’s he writes, I love the way you write. I love the way you write and you tell stories. So get on there for all the tips. Get his free book that’s coming out soon. And be involved. Get involved with Matt, find them online. Sign up for the email list. And Matt, thank you so so very much. I’m Heather Holloway and you’ve been listening to social media success for professionals. Thank you so much for being here. It means the world to me and my team. Hey remember, check the show notes for resources and links to other episodes. And don’t forget to hit that subscribe and follow button to be notified when new episodes are released.
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