heather holloway founder of holloway media services

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Tap into limitless potential with the Social Media Success for Professionals podcast on mastering the art of lead generation on social media! Learn to capture attention and develop client relationships with proven and practical strategies. Plus, Heather will help you grow your brand voice and drive sales with creative content ideas. Listen now for free as we unlock a world full of possibilities!

On this episode of the Social Media Success for Professionals Podcast, social media expert Heather Holloway guides us through 5 working strategies she uses to grow and maintain a steady flow of clients through social media marketing.

Social Media Success for Professionals Talking Points

[1:06] Who needs this episode?

  • Those who have created a profile need to figure out where to go after that.
  • Those who are frustrated because they haven’t seen the results they want.
  • Those who are absolutely crushing it but still need a few tips.

[1:54] What a social media handbook should contain.

  • Ways to keep up with rapidly changing trends and technologies
  • How to craft engaging content to target the right audience
  • How to adapt to using multiple platforms at once
  • Ways to stand out from the competition
  • Staying up to date with regulations.

[2:46] How did Heather come up with the 5-step plan?

  • Heather has spent the last 4 years of taking action and learning to develop the 5-step plan.
  • It takes time to develop expertise, especially in a constantly shifting environment like social media.

[3:00] SCOPE: 5-step social media marketing plan

  • Strategize
  • Customize
  • Optimize
  • Publicise
  • Energize

[3:30] Strategize

  • Find who your perfect prospect is.
  • Focus your creative energy on targeting your ideal prospect.

[4:28] Customize

  • Create content to meet your client’s specific needs, desires, hopes, and wants.
  • Commit to sharing 100% original content.
  • Share authentic stories that will capture their attention.

[5:45] Optimize

  • Optimize content to reach as many people as possible.
  • Algorithms are looking for certain things in your content to connect with your target market so that your posts are shown more often.
  • Optimize your content to suit the behavior of your audience.
  • Awareness is the top reason professionals use social media
  • Optimizing your content will increase your followers, mentions, shares, influence, and income.
  • You should get every social media platform to promote your message for you.

[6:56] Publicize

  • Social media platforms prioritize posts with higher engagement on their feed.
  • Make platforms happy by publishing engaging content while they handle the work of reaching your audience for you.
  • 84% of TikTok users are also active on Facebook, and 88% of Twitter users can be found on Instagram.
  • When creating content for each network, consider that TikTok is for entertainment, Instagram is for following and researching brands and products, and Facebook is for keeping up with news updates and messaging friends and family.
  • YouTube is a search engine.
  • Videos are a significant driver of traffic.

[8:23] Engage

  • Reach out to your social media followers
  • Create a positive atmosphere that sparks meaningful conversations between you and all your guests.
  • Show your human side and keep your response times speedy.

To publish content for your ideal audience you should consider creating a lead magnet. There are many options, which is why we created this guide. Download 15 Ways to Use Your Lead Magnet To Sell More Services to get started today!

Happy posting!

If you’d like to read the full episode, here is the transcript:
Welcome to the Social Media Success for Professionals podcast. Hi, I’m Heather Holloway founder of Holloway Media Services former television and radio producer and social media expert. I’ve multiplied my sales using organic social media. And this show is a way for me to share my experiences and guide you on what it takes to grow your business using social media marketing to I’ll cover everything you need to know to leverage social platforms to build your business, practice, or firm and have a steady flow of clients, patients and customers waiting to work with you. I’m diving deep into the marketing vault to bring you the best social media secrets to engage high-paying clients. Build trust, and establish yourself as an industry leader. So tune in, take notes and get ready to experience social media success. 

Wow, hey, everybody, and welcome to Social Media Success for Professionals. I’m your host, Heather Holloway. And I’m starting this podcast off right y’all. Today, I’m teaching you the five steps social media marketing plan that always works. Listen, if you’re just starting out with social media marketing like you created your profiles, but you don’t know where to go after that. Or you might be doing some social media out there, but you’re frustrated because you just haven’t seen the results you want. Or maybe you’re totally crushing it, and you’re just looking for some tips. Yo, this episode is for you. With my five-step social media marketing plan in place, you’ll finally know how to create the right content that attracts your perfect client and offer your message to the right audience on the right platform at the right time. Promote on every social media network easily and engage with your perfect patient, client or customer with winning campaigns that make you money. But first, can we all agree that social media should come with a handbook? In this handbook, there should be chapters that include keeping up with rapidly changing trends and technologies, making sure you’re targeting the right audience, crafting engaging content, and a limited amount of time keeping track of multiple platforms at once. Being able to adapt quickly to changing algorithms, finding ways to stand out from your competition, staying up to date on compliance regulations, designing visually appealing posts a capture attention, yo, that is the handbook right there. So like, let’s just take a moment to give yourself some grace if you dislike or ignore social media for these reasons. I understand. I get it. And listen, I want you to know you’re not alone. And the frustration that you feel is not your fault. I totally get how you’re feeling. No one ever showed you the right way to do social. No one ever showed me the right way to do social and listen. I’m a social media expert now. But it did take me four years of taking action and learning.

And this is how I developed the five-step plan. So without further ado, allow me to introduce you to SCOPE S C O P E – the five-step social media marketing plan that always works. Scope stands for strategize, customize, optimize, publicize and energize. That’s it, y’all. That is it. That is the plan five steps SCOPE, strategize, customize, optimize, publish, sighs Energize. And then you can wave goodbye to the guesswork. And say hello to the magic of effective marketing. So let’s jump in.

So SCOPE step one strategize. The biggest mistake most professionals make is not having a strategy, you guys are out there creating content all willy-nilly. Instead, you want to focus that creative energy on targeting your ideal prospect, not everybody. When I first started in business, I would accept any client and you know, that was okay. And it was out of survival. And it did work for a little while. But by the time I hit my second year in business, it really did become a burden trying to accept anyone and everyone so I had to do something about it. And so I got crystal clear on the crew I wanted to work with because when you find the WHO aka your perfect prospect, it’s so much easier to deliver content that sells your services, leveraging everything you know about your prospect, you then become the authority everyone wants to work with, you become magnetic.

Alright, the second step in SCOPE is customized. So once I pinpointed my ideal client, I went all in on creating content to meet their needs, desires, hopes and wants and this strategy has really paid off my SAS proved that my original inspirational content performs best. As a result. I’ve seen huge gains in online reputation, loyalty refers partnerships, speaking opportunities, and increased income. And it’s all thanks to the authentic stories I share that are so good at capturing attention and let me tell you, y’all Oh, it feels so good when a post lands. But look, I didn’t get these results until I committed to sharing 100% original content. In the beginning, I recreated such cookie-cutter content. And it was because I didn’t know any better. I was just copying what I saw other marketers doing. But get this. The very first email I wrote from my unique perspective, generated an immediate response to work with me from two perfect-fit clients and I grossed over $15,000 in sales. Look, I’m not Gary V or Seth Godin. I’m Heather Holloway. And you don’t want your message to look or sound like anyone else’s either. You are uniquely you. So give us that. So now we know the first two steps in SCOPE, we have strategize, we have customized the next step.

And step three is optimized. So now we know who we want to target, and what messages to deliver. Next, we need to optimize our content to reach as many people as possible. Here’s the deal. The algorithms are looking for certain things in your content to connect with your target market so that your posts are shown more often. Did you know certain people respond to specific posts differently, like certain people will only click on a video post? Some people only click on a text post. So you have to optimize your content for their behavior or you risk missing out on a huge part of your audience. Awareness is the top reason professionals use social media, it’s easy to understand why the average person spends over two hours a day on social media so you can see how being on those platforms is one of the best places to grab your prospects’ attention. Optimizing your content for every way someone could want to interact with you will increase your followers, mentions, shares, retweets, video views, clicks, time spent on your site, reach, influence, and of course, income. And you might as well get every social media network to promote your message for you. Alright, SCOPE.

Step number four: publicize. All right, y’all. We have our strategy. We have our custom content, and we have optimized that content. Now we need to go out and publish it and broadcast it to the world. So this is step number four. Publicize: social media platforms are notorious for prioritizing posts with higher engagement on their feeds. More engagement means more time spent on the platform. More time spent on the platform means more revenue for that platform, you see why they want you to make really great content. Make the platforms happy by publishing engaging content, and will do the work of reaching your audience for you. So which networks should you be on? Well, people go to different networks for all different types of reasons. A closer look reveals, though, that 84% of TikTok users are also active on Facebook, and 80% of Twitter users can be found on Instagram. So before you create content for every single network out there, consider the following: TikTok is the number one network for posting funny or entertaining content. Instagram is the number one network for following or researching brands and products and posting photos and videos. Facebook is the number one network for keeping updated with news and current events in messaging, family and friends. And don’t forget about YouTube. YouTube is not simply a platform, it’s a search engine. And video continues to be a big driver of traffic. Alright, we’re bringing it home. We are on SCOPE. Step number five. All right, we got our strategy, we know who we’re talking to. We created and customized our content. We optimized our content so that it’s going to reach everybody. We publicize the content on the right platform, and it’s really engaging content, the platforms are gonna go to work for us. Finally, we need to energize our system, we’re going to add energy to this thing. So you have to strategize, customize, optimize, publicize…

Energize; step number five, this is the last step in SCOPE, and literally is the easiest one for you to perform. And yet, large brands, and small brands are getting this last critical step wrong. So we have our strategy. We’ve optimized our content, we’ve published our content, and now it’s time to bring it all home and energize your marketing by engaging with your audience. Reach out to your social media followers, y’all reach out as if you were entertaining them at a dinner party, invite them in, and create a positive atmosphere that sparks meaningful conversations between you and all of your guests. Keep the conversation flowing. Show your human side and keep your response times speedy. make everyone feel welcome and watch your sales multiply. Well, there you have it friends there. Yeah. How’s it SCOPE, strategize, customize, optimize, publicize and energize it is the five-step social media marketing plan that always works. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or an experienced user. I outlined how to use social media to attract and engage your perfect client, customer or patient. Now you can offer your message on the right platform and promote your services quickly and easily. Remember, you can turn curious leads into loyal clients with dedication and consistency. So what are you waiting on? Take action and find success in social media marketing today with SCOPE. 

Hey, thanks so much for joining me today. Happy posting! I’m Heather Holloway and you’ve been listening to social media success for professionals. Thank you so much for being here. It means the world to me and my team. Hey, remember, check the show notes for resources and links to other episodes. And don’t forget to hit that subscribe and follow button to be notified when new episodes are released.

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About Heather

Hey, I’m Heather!

I’ve been in marketing for over 20 years, and I understand how difficult promoting your company can be.

With so many different advertising options to implement, it can be overwhelming!

I’m here to work with you to simplify social media marketing, grow your customer base, and keep them coming back for more.

Picture of We hope you love this blog post and that it helps you with your marketing.

We hope you love this blog post and that it helps you with your marketing.

If you need social media marketing custom tailored for your business needs, we do that too, hire us.