heather holloway founder of holloway media services

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We hope you find our blog useful and that it helps you with your marketing.

If you need social media marketing custom tailored for your business, we do that too, hire us.

How to Build a Professional Cover Photo on Facebook


Pract•ad•goal is a word host Heather Holloway created. It is the sum total of the words ‘practical advancement goal.’ Her intention with this podcast is to teach entrepreneurs how to advance their careers with practical social media marketing advice.

A professional Facebook Cover Photo matters for coaches and consultants.

Most think the Cover Photo is just another photo you slap on your business page, but that strategy couldn’t be more wrong. Your cover photo is far more important than that because your cover photo has the ability to make you money.

Why Cover Photos Matter For Coaches & Consultants

When you’re advertising your services as a coach or consultant, a professional appearance is especially vital. After all, people are looking for a wise, effective expert to give them dependable guidance on life, business, and productivity. 

Your Facebook cover photo is the first chance you get to make a great first impression and show that you yourself are practicing smart business strategies.

Your Facebook page is, in many ways, the hub for your online presence. People will visit your page to connect with you, find out information about your business, and peruse recent updates. 

A professional cover photo says, “I am experienced, and I know what I’m doing.”

Plus, many people don’t realize that a cover photo is not just an empty space you need to fill up as part of some unwritten social media obligation. 

It’s so much more than that. 

A winning Facebook cover photo is a free billboard to your lead magnet! This is a free and easy way for attracting attention and captivating your target audience, so don’t miss out on this opportunity to win clients over.

What Are You Promoting?

Using your social photos, you have the chance to give soon-to-be customers a brand interaction that could lead them straight to your website—or wherever you’re trying to direct traffic to. This is a super valuable opportunity that too many business owners pass up.

With your cover photo, you can promote a bunch of things, like your: 

  • Blog
  • Email
  • Website
  • A special offer & more! 

The options are truly limitless, and that’s the real beauty of cover photos.

An Investment That Pays Off 

In the grand scheme of things, it only takes a little bit of time and effort to create a professional graphic. In life and in business, first impressions are everything

They make a big and lasting impact. 

We hope these tips will help you take advantage of your Facebook Cover Photo!

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We’ve made it our mission to help brands thrive using social media marketing.

In this free audit, we’ll look at your profiles and marketing data to find bottlenecks so that you can finally generate leads and sales with your content and funnels!

About Heather

Hey, I’m Heather!

I’ve been in marketing for over 20 years, and I understand how difficult promoting your company can be.

With so many different advertising options to implement, it can be overwhelming!

I’m here to work with you to simplify social media marketing, grow your customer base, and keep them coming back for more.

Picture of We hope you love this blog post and that it helps you with your marketing.

We hope you love this blog post and that it helps you with your marketing.

If you need social media marketing custom tailored for your business needs, we do that too, hire us.