heather holloway founder of holloway media services

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We hope you find our blog useful and that it helps you with your marketing.

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Digital Marketing Budget Breakdown


Digital marketing is a big concept that has grown in importance over the years. As more and more people are using technology to find what they need, companies have had to take advantage of digital channels, such as websites, social media platforms, email campaigns, and mobile apps.

The Internet Will Only Continue to Expand

There are many benefits to digital marketing—it’s cost-effective for businesses because it doesn’t require any physical expenses like creating or distributing products. It also allows marketers the opportunity to track results through analytics which can tell them how effective their efforts were at reaching different audiences.

The main challenge is that this form of advertising requires constant upkeep and attention.

The Benefits of Digital Marketing

Think about how much time it would require for you to reach 10,000 people in a week!

With the right digital marketing strategy in place, you can achieve:

  1. Increased reach: Digital channels offer businesses a much wider reach than traditional channels such as TV, radio, and print media.
  2. Greater engagement: Digital channels allow businesses to engage with their customers more effectively than traditional channels.
  3. Greater flexibility: Digital marketing allows businesses to tailor their messages to specific segments of the population.
  4. Lower costs: Digital marketing is often more cost-effective
  5. Peace of mind: Businesses that invest in digital marketing see consistent and sustainable growth.

Digital Marketing Types

Search Engine Optimization

The primary objective of SEO is for a company’s website to appear higher in Google search results, resulting in increased traffic to the business’s website.


The term “pay-per-click” refers to sponsored advertising and recommended search engine results. This is a short-term form of digital marketing since after you cease paying, the ad disappears. PPC, like SEO, is used to boost web search traffic for a company.

Social Media Marketing

Everything a company does through social media channels is referred to as social media marketing. Blogs, email newsletters, and social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube are all examples of social media marketing.

Efforts must be planned and consistent rather than an afterthought in order to be effective with your social media marketing. It necessitates a combination of creative thinking and data-driven planning. 

Content Marketing

Storytelling and information sharing are the key elements of content marketing to raise brand awareness. The ultimate objective is for the reader to take an action, such as requesting more information, signing up for an email list, or making a purchase, in order to become a client. 

Email Marketing

Email is still one of the most effective marketing channels.

It can be utilized in a content marketing plan to offer value to customers and eventually convert an audience into consumers.

The open rate – the percentage of recipients who opened the email – and the click-through rate are two metrics you should continue attempting to boost.

Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is about reaching your target audience on their smartphones or tablets and it uses text messages, social media, websites, email, and mobile apps to do so.

Businesses may personalize offers or unique content to a person’s location or time of day, such as while they are entering a store or attending an event.

Smart companies understand that you must go where your consumers are to reach them, and this is evident: potential customers are on their phones.

Marketing Analytics

Digital marketing has several advantages, one of which is that it is very trackable and quantifiable.

The first form of measurable marketing was coupons and similar direct mail offers. You could tell whether the message resonated if a client took advantage of the offer.

Today’s analytics allows you to monitor user activity at a very granular level, including how many times they click on a link, how long they spend on a website, how often they open emails, and much more.

However, the plethora of data on digital marketing performance might appear like drinking from a firehose, and entrepreneurs must have an understanding of what the metrics signify and how they should influence strategy.

Analytics and the knowledge to interpret them can help you “fail fast,” cutting ineffective campaigns and establishing better ones around concepts that have a proven track record of success.

Over time, you’ll be able to use analytics not just to track your campaigns, but also to guide and improve them.

Affiliate Marketing

The growing popularity of industry experts and social media influencers has made affiliate marketing more appealing. For a fee, your company will collaborate with these third-party influencers to advertise your products or services.

Influencers will collaborate with you to create more business for your company and generate new leads by posting, blogging, or filming content and broadcasting it to their followers.

Why You Should Allocate a Budget for Digital Marketing

It’s crucial to set aside a budget for digital marketing since it has the ability to have the most influence on your company’s long-term success.

It helps you realistically measure the effectiveness of your campaigns.

It can save you money. Because if you skip creating a marketing budget you’ll likely find yourself overspending, which can cause major stress.

This stress can create unrealistic expectations in your mind when it comes to the performance of your campaigns. Which can lead to resentment and a false narrative that digital marketing doesn’t work.

This type of thinking will block you from seeing new opportunities.

Considerations When Creating a Budget for Your Company’s Online Promotions

Know your costs and revenues.

Be realistic about how much money you can reasonably spend on marketing and how much profit you expect to make from it.

Don’t forget about inbound and outbound costs.

Inbound costs are the expenses associated with creating content, such as the cost of hiring a writer or the price of purchasing stock photography.

Outbound costs are the expenses associated with paid advertising, such as the amount you’ll pay for clicks on Google AdWords.

Know what your goals are.

Are you looking to create more leads? Convert more leads into paying customers? Increase brand awareness?

Once you know your goals, it will be easier to determine which channels will help.

Align your objectives with your company’s long-term goals and vision for growth.

The marketing objectives of your company are an important component of its overall strategic goals and vision for growth. There’s no sense in spending your digital marketing budget on areas that won’t help you achieve current goals.

Take into account special events and seasons!

You must consider a variety of seasonal, holiday, and industry activities.

Seasonality (including the weather, national and cultural holidays, religious festivals, and more) has a significant influence on how and when to spend your marketing dollars.

Pro tip: If you’re not a business selling to consumers, scaling your budget in Q4 may be a bad idea because retailers around the world are aggressively pushing into all existing channels at the end of the year in order to maximize revenue.

The Takeaway

Digital marketing can be extremely beneficial. It’s important to allocate a budget for it that is in line with your specific goals and objectives.

Doing so will help you measure the effectiveness of your campaigns, save money in the long run, and achieve greater success for your company.

Looking for more information on content marketing? Be sure to check out our blog post “Is Content Marketing the Best Option for Local Business?”

Thanks for reading!

If you need help with social media marketing, schedule a 15-minute call with us today!

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We’ve made it our mission to help brands thrive using social media marketing.

In this free audit, we’ll look at your profiles and marketing data to find bottlenecks so that you can finally generate leads and sales with your content and funnels!

About Heather

Hey, I’m Heather!

I’ve been in marketing for over 20 years, and I understand how difficult promoting your company can be.

With so many different advertising options to implement, it can be overwhelming!

I’m here to work with you to simplify social media marketing, grow your customer base, and keep them coming back for more.

Picture of We hope you love this blog post and that it helps you with your marketing.

We hope you love this blog post and that it helps you with your marketing.

If you need social media marketing custom tailored for your business needs, we do that too, hire us.