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REPLAY – Unlock the Power of AI: How to Use ChatGPT for Your Business

REPLAY - Unlock the Power of AI: How to Use ChatGPT for Your Business

Tap into limitless potential with the Social Media Success for Professionals podcast on mastering the art of lead generation on social media! Learn to capture attention and develop client relationships with proven and practical strategies. Plus, Heather will help you grow your brand voice and drive sales with creative content ideas. Listen now for free as we unlock a world full of possibilities!

To some, AI advancements are exciting. To others, they’re scary. Are you afraid that tools like ChatGPT will take your job? Can AI replicate your unique human perspective? In this episode, Dr. Rebecca Woodbury Keller addresses those fears while sharing tips on using AI wisely to become more efficient. 

Dr. Rebecca Woodbury Keller is an award-winning author, speaker, and passionate change-maker. She is also the CEO of RATATAZ and Real Science-4-Kids. Her businesses center around a core mission of finding new and better ways to teach children.

Social Media Success for Professionals Talking Points

[1:23] Introduction to Dr. Rebecca 

  • She develops a curriculum that helps kids grasp building blocks for intimidating subjects.

[3:27] Dr. Rebecca’s thoughts on AI 

  • She wrote a Newsweek Expert Forum article discussing if AI will replace human creativity.
  • AI can’t replace the unique human experience and perspective.
  • Why humans need to continue developing creative thinking skills 
  • We can utilize AI as a tool to help, not replace us.

[6:10] You need a knowledge base to create quality content

  • Marketers worried when AI like Jasper and ChatGPT got big.
  • AI doesn’t always have the vocabulary and context that subject matter experts do.
  • You can’t make the most of AI unless you know the type of content you want to ask it to produce.
  • ChatGPT can help you with an outline, but you need people to make rich deep content.

[10:02] Nobody can do what you do the same as YOU

  • Your own frustrations and failures help you do your job better. 
  • Dr. Rebecca struggled in school and knows what it takes to help young students today.
  • It’s like following a recipe versus eating from a master chef. 
  • ChatGPT can get you started, but you need to evaluate its correctness.

[15:35] Become a master of your industry first, then use AI 

  • Only humans can connect the dots that nobody else can see.
  • ChatGPT sometimes produces wrong information and then defends its “lies.”

[18:26] Learning happens on a line between frustration and boredom 

  • Mastering a new skill takes effort and struggle.
  • The more knowledgeable you are, the better you can leverage AI to work for you. 
  • Use AI to make your work more efficient.

[22:28] Solving problems takes work 

  • Easy and fast entertainment is great, but sometimes struggle is key. 
  • Getting fired up about the big problems in the world 
  • AI won’t replace us as long as we stay sharp and adapt. 

[27:10] Reading is the best way to get a competitive advantage 

  • Learn how you learn 
  • Get excited to better yourself through physical or digital texts

Dr. Rebecca Woodbury Keller was able to share so many incredible life lessons with us in just this short episode. You can find her here if you’re inspired by her mission and want to learn more about her and her educational businesses! 👇

Dr. Rebecca Woodbury Keller


Real Science-4-Kids











Discover more about artificial intelligence by using it to create your next lead magnet. Sometimes just getting started is the hardest part, so ask ChatGPT to set your next project in motion. Then use your special perspective and talents to make it uniquely yours!
We have lots of ideas about how to use your next lead magnet. 

Download our guide 15 Ways to Use Your Lead Magnet To Sell More Services today!

Happy posting!

If you’d like to read the full episode, here is the transcript:

Welcome to the Social Media Success for Professionals podcast. Hi, I’m Heather Holloway founder of Holloway Media Services former television and radio producer, and social media expert. I’ve multiplied my sales using organic social media and this show is a way for me to share my experiences and guide you on what it takes to grow your business using social media marketing to I’ll cover everything you need to know to leverage social platforms to build your business, practice, or firm and have a steady flow of clients, patients and customers waiting to work with you. I’m diving deep into the marketing vault to bring you the best social media secrets to engage high-paying clients. Build trust and establish yourself as an industry leader. So tune in take notes and get ready to experience social media success.

Hey everybody. Welcome back to another episode of Social Media Success for Professionals. I’m your host, Heather Holloway, and today joining me I’m so excited. Joining me again, is my very good friend, Dr. Rebecca Woodbury Keller. She is the CEO of RATATAZ the CEO of RS4K. She’s a Newsweek expert forum contributing writer. And like I said, my friend, so thank you so much for being here, Rebecca.

Thank you, Heather. It’s always great to chat with you.

I know I love just chatting with you this this podcast, if we don’t cut it off, we’ll run on forever. So we are here to accomplish talking about AI. It is a hot topic. Chat GPT, Jasper, and you my friend wrote an article in Newsweek titled AI and human creativity, Five Ways to Cultivate Creative Thinking and you lead with this question, will AI replace human creativity? And really, that’s what I want to talk to you to talk about today.

Yeah. But yeah, I mean, I got inspired. A bunch of I was on TikTok. And I was watching all these little, you know, TikTok videos, by teachers, by professors, by people who are concerned that AI is going to take over human creativity. And yeah, and that’s what inspired me to write this article.

So before we get into that, I was hoping that you could educate since we’re your PhD, MD, educate our audience on what it is that you do.

So right, good question. I write science books for kids and science programs for kids focused on getting kids to learn the basic building blocks of science before they jump into upper-level, high school or college-level courses. And so I’ve spent the last three years thinking about curriculum, developing curriculum, trying to unpack the way kids and adults learn, and then trying to create books and programs that really facilitate an individual’s, you know, the capability of learning science. I mean, what does it really take to learn a subject like science? And that’s what I’ve been trying to develop for the last 30 years and got a series of textbooks working on more textbooks, readers, working on some stem kits for classrooms, home schools, alternative schools now public schools,

Yeah, and the keyword is not trying you did my friend. Yes. Do you?

Oh, I did. Yes. No, I have created all of these. I think the trying part is getting, trying to figure out how to get others to learn to want to learn to be motivated to learn a subject that many find intimidating, or can struggle with. Yeah, so what is what are the elements of that? Yeah.

And so, you are a writer, you’ve you’re a published author, you have curriculum, and you’re on to the AI thing. Yes. Yeah. I’m interested in the AI thing.

Well, I think it’s fascinating to me. Um, I had not heard of chat GPT of course, I was aware of a couple of the other AIS like Grammarly fixes your grammar a little bit and, you know, Jasper create some stuff for you. And then, you know, there was this hoopla around chat GPT. So I went on to chat GPT and played with it for the whole weekend because it was fun. And then started listening to some videos of educators who were concerned that chat GPT is going to take over creativity, that we’re no longer going to need to be creators of anything. And I disagree with that.

I think that AI will augment a person’s creativity if we learn how to use it properly. But there isn’t going to be anything that replaces human creativity. Because we’re human, we have a unique experience, we have a unique history, we can learn a unique set of facts, and have a unique set of experiences that then we can translate into a unique perspective. And that to me is the value of humanity is that we’re all just unique. And yeah, you can argue that well, we can make robots have unique experiences too. But they’re not going to have a human experience. And so that, I think is the differentiator, and yet we have to continue to cultivate what I call creative thinking skills, you know, there’s critical thinking skills, right? But I think we also need to think we have ways to cultivate creative thinking skills and what does that look like? Yes, you can type in chat GPT maker, you know, create a novel for me about this topic, and it’s going to be the AIS ideas about what that looks like. And it’s probably not going to be written at least yet. But you know, what would be my ideas?

How do I cultivate my own unique perspectives? How do I, how do I put that into words? How do I find the language to express myself? Yeah, that’s going to be and that’s what I’m interested in AI in the conversation around AI. Because there’s a lot of people saying, well, it’s just going to replace so much of what we do as human beings, and I think it replaced some of what we do. Yeah, but the advantage that we as human beings have is we can utilize we can all you know, we can utilize, you know, AI to, to help us, not replace us.

Yeah, that’s right. Help not replace it is but a tool, it is not the answer. You know, I, when I when so, so we use Jasper, so big, big fans of Jasper, we have used that now for probably about almost two years. But I gotta tell you, Rebecca, there was a time when Jasper when the the news hit and this thing was out. And I saw the Facebook group go from, you know, a couple 1000 people to 10,000, 15 20. There’s a private Facebook group, it just kept growing. And I was like, That’s it. I’m gonna drop my laptop. And I guess I’m just gonna go grab a volleyball and head out to an island because my, my job’s done, I no longer need I’m no longer in use. You don’t need me to write your messages anymore. Jasper even has artwork, you type in a word, and then they pop up artwork. Okay, well, now you don’t need my graphic design skills either. Yet. Quality in quality out, you still have to know it critical think, creatively think about what it is you’re looking for. Right? From the Software. Right? Right.

Yes, and you have to. And that was my first point in the in the article was you have to have a knowledge base, in order to think creatively that in that venue, right? Like, I’ve been trying to, I really want to write a software app, to map mountain biking and on top of campsites, because I want to be able to pull that data and I want to be able to type something in as I want to do this trip. You know, I even had Chat GPT tried to figure it out for me, but most of the information wasn’t accurate. But I feel frustrated because I can’t create in that, you know, venue right now, because I don’t know enough about how to be a software developer. I don’t know the language. I don’t know the vocabulary, right? I don’t know what it all I have to put that together first before I can create in that, you know, media, if you will. And that’s, that’s true of anything we do. Right?

Yes, yes. In marketing terms, yeah, one of the toughest things is find the person that you want to to speak to, okay, then people are going to call it your niche, your avatar, your customer profile. Those are all, you know, fancy terms. But really, it’s like, Who do you want to work with? And the toughest part is understanding who that person is. So if you’re asking for an AI to produce content for you, do you know the type of content to ask AI to produce?

Right? No, and you don’t. And that’s part of the problem. And I think that’s where, you know, coaching and business, you know, businesses who help you get past those hurdles, you know, you know, in somebody like me, who’s a curriculum, you know, writer, I mean, I know how to teach kids science, I know the chemistry, I know what they need to know, in order to do well in high school and college. Right? I could ask Chat GPT to write me an outline. But they that wouldn’t, it wouldn’t really give it wouldn’t really produce a curriculum that I think would necessarily help kids get to where they need to get because that’s what I bring to the table. That’s my unique perspective. That’s the, you know, the knowledge base that I’ve gained.

And when I think about marketing my business I don’t I know a lot about marketing but I don’t know enough. That’s why people like you, so that you bring your experience in and say well, we can do this and we can do this and we can do that. And you know, same with like coaching, right? I like to lift weights and you know, be fit, but if I really want to maximize my potential I go get a good coach. I go get a good business mentor, I go get a good marketing, you know, advisor I go get a good sales advisor of all the things that I know something about but I don’t have the knowledge base. And that’s where chat GPT can help you with an outline. But the people who can really create on those fields are where you’re really going to find you know, your while you’re going to find the actual you know, the jewel there it’s going to be much more Get Rich and in-depth and what I think an AI will ever be able to give you because they’re not they’re not in AI doesn’t have this human experience.

Yeah, that’s right. And no matter how much training it has, no matter how many sites it swipes, copy from, or words or whatever, it will never, ever, ever be able to tell your story. Exactly. And as business owners, that is our difference that anybody can start a Social Media Marketing Agency, anybody can start a publishing company. Anybody can write a curriculum. Anybody can create graphics and write copy. But nobody knew like Rebecca Woodbury Keller, nobody can do it like, hey, Holloway, neither can AI.

Right? Because you know, when I bring to the table when it comes to curriculum and science, education is my own failings, if you will, when I was a young student, my own frustration, the areas where I felt behind, you know, I had a yoga teacher wants to tell me that the best yoga instructors are those who struggled to learn how to do yoga, because they know where the where the holes are, right? Yeah. And the same is true with me. It’s like I know exactly what it takes what it took for me to get where I am not being a reader until I was in the fourth grade, being behind my peers going into college, and flunking my first exams, right? I had to do all this work to get where I am. And now I look back and go, Oh, well, I had, I had had this. And I talked to many parents and many educators who look at what I’ve produced and said, Oh, if I had this, I would have done much better, I might have pursued that degree in pharmacy or I might have pursued, I wouldn’t have dropped out of medical school because I would have had this foundation. And that’s the value of having unique human experiences.

Chat GPT can maybe write an outline, but it isn’t going to put those elements in it. You know, that is actually going to get somebody over that hurdle. Yeah. So the difference between following a recipe and going and eating, you know, a meal with a great chef. Right? I can follow the recipe. But you know, the difference between a meal you eat following a recipe and the meal you eat that’s created by a great chef.

Thank goodness even like, yes. Oh my gosh, right. And that’s, you know, that’s what almost chat GPT is is is they’ll spit out the recipe almost in a way. In fact, I just used it to write a commercial script for our podcast. Yeah. And it shot off with an amazing open, but then it got walking. I was like, Whoa, we’re we’re really off at the end here. And so there has to be some finesse, you have to go back into it. But it got me like 70% of the way there. Right. And so do you think that is that’s the advantage? That’s what we should be?

Absolutely. I think chat GPT is great for that stuff. You know, we use it to write a distributor letter, because I’m like, Ah, you know, I need to write a couple of these distributor letters. And I said, it’s 11 o’clock at night. And my brain said, Okay, give me the basics. Give me the what would you say? How would you say this in a friendly tone? How would you say this in a corporate tone? Right, you can make it do it in different tones. But you have to be the one to evaluate whether or not number one that information is correct. Yeah. And number two, whether or not it really is saying what you want it to say, which means you have to have some command over the English language. Right? You have to have some of your own knowledge base. Yes. To know that. It’s saying the right things in the way that you want to say it. Yeah. And you have to critically evaluate, you know, but it can augment your creativity. It’s like, oh, that’s actually pretty good letter. The end of it. And I did it in five minutes.

Yeah, that’s good. That’s where that’s the feeling I’m going for is Oh, that’s actually pretty good.

Yeah, it’s pretty good. Like, I I’m way into nutrition and stuff, too. So I’ll be like, hey, Chat GPT create me a week’s worth of meals with these macros. Oh, I know, we could do that. Oh, yeah. It’s pretty fun. And then it will create and I’m like, No, I don’t I don’t want to eat pork, you know. So I will just give it some specifics. And it will create me a good, you know, weeks’ worth of meals with a certain number of macros. And then I’ll ask for, I’d ask for the recipes. And then I asked for a shopping list. Okay, that’s pretty good. But the truth is, is that if I really went back into training for something serious, I would want to talk to somebody who has more depth than just the recipe that chat GPT is able to give me. It’s great to get me started, gives me ideas. But if I really want to get serious, I would go hire somebody who, you know, can help me with my personal individual physiology to get to the gains I’m looking for. So that’s the difference.

I can quickly do something and get me started. Same with, you know, developing this app. Right. So I asked it to develop the app for me, and it’s like, well, I don’t know how to do this app. So you just do it for me, and again, spit out all this stuff. And all it did really was show me all the things I don’t know. And I’m like, Alright, so I need to go and take, I need to watch this video on my SQL, because I don’t know what that is, I don’t even know what that means. I need to watch, you know, a video on Python, I need to watch a video on Java, I need to understand I need to put these things together so that I have command of that more command of that field. Right?

But the best thing I can do is go ask my daughter who’s a computer software programmer. And she because she’s been doing it for years can say, Hey, Mom, you really want to start with Python. That’s what you want to start with. Okay, cool, right? Because she has that depth of knowledge that I don’t have. And GPT isn’t going to tell me it’s just gonna say it’s just going to spit out, you know, a starting place. Yeah. But it’s always going to take us to go critically evaluate it. And then in order to be creative, we have to develop those skills inside of us. Right, we have to learn the vocabulary, learn the facts, we have to commit things to memory because that helps us with our quick recall.

Because ultimately, what we want as human beings is, we want to be able to connect the dots that no one else can see right now. Right. And that requires, you know, a really deep command of the industry that you’re in.

I was just going to say and that’s a beautiful way to say it just becomes a master of your industry, then use AI to become a master first. Otherwise, you don’t know what’s good and what’s not.

Exactly. Well, and it’s interesting because you have to be a little careful. I also watched The Tick Tock video of a doctor who spit in, you know who typed in.

Oh, please don’t tell me he’s like, ah, it kind of looks red. And it’s a little What should I say? No, I did some symptoms. And then chat GBT, he was typing in some symptoms and chat GPT came out and said the woman symptoms, you know, as for conjunctivitis, or whatever. And, you know, he would be like, okay, it was connected to the woman women who take birth control. And he’s like, Okay, that was a weird connection.

Turns out that chat GPT lied to him. Then he starts quiz quizzing it. So create a like, he said, Okay, well, where’s the reference for this? Where’s this reference between conjunctivitis? And I’m not saying it. Right. But and, and birth control, and chat GPS. So you know, gave him a reference. And he tried to find the reference and it wasn’t there. But he knew enough to know the diagnosis wasn’t, it was a little off. It was very close, but it was a little off. Yeah. And Chad GPT continued to lie to him and defend and defend itself. So maybe that can get better over time, you can I will ask Chet GPT to truthfully answer something now truthfully, tell me what this is. And you have to be careful because it’s just pulling stuff from the web. And it can create whatever it wants, based on that. And so that’s where, again, this doctor has a command on his, you know, of his field, thank goodness, didn’t just take he said, This is not a bad diagnosis. But where’s this connection to birth control? It doesn’t exist and was able to challenge? You know, the AI on that.

Yeah, I thought the story was gonna go the opposite way, where chat GPT was like, I just discovered this thing that nobody has been able to discover. Turns out No, Chat GPT was wrong. Like that, we haven’t we have yet figured it out.

Right? That’s where we have to be careful. And I know that there are some educators that are worried that students are going to use it and probably already are to write essays, you know, in cite references, and that’s fine students have been trying to do since students have been students, they’ve been paying other people who do for free.

But they have to check the references, they have to check you know, you have to be able to evaluate whether or not what is written is true, accurate, you know, and that’s why you have to have a command over over your field. Yeah. And I think that’s the challenge. That’s the piece where, you know, to sort of jump to the, you know, next pieces of that of the article that I wrote, you know, there’s something to being willing to struggle, right being willing to puzzle over something to learn it. Right.

I think a lot of times we don’t like to struggle, we want it to be easy. And you know, having written curriculum for 30 years, I’ll get parents who were like, you know, the curriculum is too hard for my student or the curriculum is too easy. You need to change the curriculum, and I remind them that learning happens on this line. That’s right in between frustration and boredom. And what we need to learn how to do is that when we’re bored, increase the challenge. And when we’re frustrated, decrease it slightly and chunk it down.

So when, for example, I’m trying to learn this, you know, I really do, at some point want to create my own computer app, right? Learn it, I don’t want just the AI to do it for me. But, in order for me to do it, I got to the frustration level, it was too much information too soon, with not enough definition. So I have to chunk it down, I have to bring it back down so that these are manageable chunks that I can learn. If I get bored, then I have to increase my challenge. And I think as a society, we tend to veer away from that more, especially when it comes to education. We want kids to be happy, we want them to be entertained.

We think if they’re bored, well, it’s a problem with the teacher or the curriculum. We think they’re frustrated, it’s, again, a problem with a teacher or the curriculum. And it’s really neither. It’s just they’ve not they’re not on the right line for learning. And I think unless we embrace that, learning something takes time. It takes effort, effort work, yep, struggle, I’d love to be able to play the Moonlight Sonata, have no desire to take piano lessons. But I would love to have that feeling, I would love, to be able to do that. But at this moment in my life, and never had I before really wanted to do the work.

And I think that’s the piece that people jump to AI is if it’s going to solve the work for us. It’s going to augment our work. And I think it’s going to help us do more work more efficiently. And we should all utilize AI for that, to that degree. But ultimately, it’s not going to solve the problem that we have to work. We have to struggle, we have to puzzle we have to figure stuff out. If we really want to master our industries.

Yeah. And also look, the AI isn’t going to spit copy out for you, you have to do the work by putting it in there. So you’re going to feel that you could potentially feel that frustration. Um, that’s, that’s interesting, because we are, we are pleasure-seeking beings, we don’t have time for pain, we don’t have time to be frustrated, get it done, get it done. Now get it done yesterday, right in this in this country.

So I see the appeal, I see why, like, write me a blog post write me an ad is so and this AI is so appealing because we just don’t, we just don’t take the time for it. But if you do take the time to become the master to command your industry. You do set yourself apart, you have just I mean, you’re just you’re going to you’re going to quality in quality out and go back to it right?

Well, and you’re going to be able to quickly evaluate what an AI is going to spit out for you. The more you have mastery of your topic, industry, whatever, the more, the more efficient AI is going to make you. Right? It’s going to spit out a bunch of junk for people who aren’t really evaluating what’s I mean, I will expect that there’s going to be a lot more junk out there, honestly. Yeah. As AI is going to even artwork, right, I’ve had AI do some art for me. I’m like, yeah, no, I really sort of interesting, but you can tell, right? Yeah. But you know, you see an artist who’s really created something out of their soul, and it’s got a completely different vibe to it. Right. But that took years, years of developing, you know, that insight those skills, right? But I do think that AI is going to help us be way more efficient, especially, writing letters or doing, you know, emails or a lot of sort of the daily tasks, we do that, that. Okay, you just need to do you need a template, it’s easier to edit something that’s already written.

Yes. Oh, hallelujah. Yes, yes, absolutely. I want to finish up with this. On your point five, it says to become heroes, not just entertainers. Can you talk about that on point, point five, where you say, you know, become the next generation of creators using technology, technology, not just the consumers of technology, the people who can create using all the tools modern technology has given us will have control power and financial freedom. Tell me about that.

Well, I think that you know, that comes from right, so there’s all these problems out there that we need to solve. And I do think AI and technology and every, whatever is new is going to help us be more efficient in solving those problems. But I think a lot of times, like you said, like you said, it’s, we get stuck in this, you know, pleasure-seeking missile mindset, right? You just want to have fun. I just want to go for the thing that’s going to, you know, make me the most money the fastest. And although I enjoy TikTok and I like social media, I enjoy videos, I like watching comedy, I think we have to be careful, especially with the next generation, to not let this idea of becoming an easy fast entertainer take over the need to solve the problems.

Because solving the problems is going to take work, you know, we see a problem out there. And you think, ah, you know, I can’t solve it, it’s going to take work, I don’t know how to, I don’t know how to fix it. But we can solve those problems, we can fix those problems, but I think unless we are willing to move through the struggle, learn, you know, learn the industry try to figure out, you know, what is it the fix gonna look like maybe start a company goes through all the pains of running a company, you know, or whatever, we’re not going to solve those problems. And it’s very easy for us to just think about being you know, you know, Fast Cash entertainer. Influencers, yeah, influencers, which is fun. I don’t have any, necessarily any, any problem with that.

But I  want to see more problem solvers. I want to see people more willing to take on the hard subjects of, you know, how do we fix recycling, even in your hometown right now? We say we have recycling, but it all goes into the landfill. So what would it take to really make that happen? Right? What would it take to really, you know, work on climate change? It’s definitely changing. What would it really take to do that? It’s going to be a combination of science and politics, clearly, right? And all that’s hard. My personal passion is how do I, how do I change the way that science is, is learned by students, you know, it’s not just and how it’s taught, how it’s how it’s taught, and how it’s received. I want kids to walk away with more than what I walked away with from my high school education, which was the basic foundation of what I needed to do college courses and the confidence that goes with that, what does that look like, that’s a really hard intractable problem to solve, as it turns out, because it’s, it is about curriculum, it’s also about philosophy. It’s about mindset, it’s about systemic changes within, you know, the public education system, there’s a lot of pieces to this puzzle. And yet, that’s the thing I’m passionate about.

And so what I really am trying to do in that last paragraph is like, let’s think about being heroes, let’s think about solving those problems. You know, there are lots of childhood diseases out there that need to be fixed. Let’s go get them. Right. There are lots of areas where, you know, there’s food deserts, there are people who don’t have good, basic, you know, their basic water, basic needs for water, Matt, these are all these problems out there that we need the next generation of, you know, kids to want to go solve, and not just make money and get swag by being an influencer. And so that’s what that last paragraph is about. Let’s go solve these problems. Let’s get let’s get as fired up about that. I love that as we do, about, you know,

the next fad, right, next fad,

AI is I do think AI is going to help us, but it’s not going to replace us. Because in order for it, and it well, truthfully, it could replace us if we let our brains atrophy if we just decide, you know, imagine, you know, you have that I was watching Elysium. And it has that, you know, Matt Damon has that suit on right to go bite the big bad, you know, robots. Yeah. And I can imagine, okay, we can all make external suits to make us stronger, externally, but our muscles are going to atrophy, we’re not actually going to be stronger. And the same that happens with our brains, you know, if we don’t try to learn some subjects that we might not even be interested in. Yeah, we atrophy if we don’t commit to memory, some of the things that we need to learn, we atrophy. You know, if we don’t pursue opposing viewpoints, in other words, if we don’t look at things that challenge us, yeah, you atrophy. You know, our ability to think critically and our ability to think creatively will just go away. And that’s my fear. That was kind of why I wrote this article.

It’s like, look, we can cultivate creative thinking, on top of critical thinking, we need both, but we need to cultivate that creative thinking channel because I, I do worry, we’re gonna lose it. Yeah. If we don’t intend to have an intention to maintain it.

We’re gonna give we’re gonna give you listeners the biggest competitive advantage you could ever get ready? Absolutely boils down to one word, Rebecca, and you’re gonna love it. Read. Yes. In this digital age. Read competitive advantage. Pick up a stinking book. Absolutely. Yeah. If you can pick up a print book, pick up a print book. Yeah, not even digital man, I pick up the print book and the audio copy, I listen to it as I read if I can if there’s, and that’s great. You can

and I consume information online and digital books. And I also when I, when I really want to learn something I pick up I buy the print book. So I can write in it, you have two different ways that I learn.

And learning how you learn is the key. What is it that helps you learn something? Maybe slightly different than me, but it’s probably going to have similar elements. Yeah. Right. So if audio you learn through audio, do that, reading the combination learning how to learn. Yeah. And that’s ultimately what I want to do through the programs that I create is help kids learn how to learn and get excited about that. I want them as excited about solving the science problem as they are about doing a TikTok video.

Yeah, right. Right. Yeah. Because science man, science is cool. Hey, it was just a perfect tee-up to where can people find you online.

Yeah, so we have a couple of different websites for our products. www.realscience4kids.com or www.RATATAZ.com. We also have some social media pages. We have a Facebook page, we have Instagram. I am also on LinkedIn. So yeah, there’s a number of different channels you out there def to find us. Fantastic. And I hope you do.

I hope you subscribe, and follow Rebecca. Watch what she’s saying. She is a thought leader out there in the field. She is trying to solve world problems. What kid at a time, one vocab word at a time trying to help us not lose out on our Einsteins.

Look, your kids might be looking out there for a way to love science, and you might be looking for a way to love science. Get on RS4k.com. Get on RATATAZ.com. Support your local science teachers. You know, support those teachers. Yeah, support those teachers. So Rebecca, thank you so much for joining me on a conversation of AI chat GPT and the future what’s happening, and the most important part is don’t start stop learning, you know, become that master in your field. We’ll all be better for it. So Rebecca, thank you so much for joining me today on the podcast.

Thank you for having me. Always a delight to chat with you, Heather. This has been fun.

I’m Heather Holloway and you’ve been listening to social media success for professionals. Thank you so much for being here. It means the world to me and my team. Hey, remember, check the show notes for resources and links to other episodes. And don’t forget to hit that subscribe and follow button to be notified when new episodes are released.

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Hey, I’m Heather!

I’ve been in marketing for over 20 years, and I understand how difficult promoting your company can be.

With so many different advertising options to implement, it can be overwhelming!

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